środa, 13 lipca 2016

How to become a writer - advice #5

Today, about heroes! Wait I think I have dejavu, it's already been. We just started this topic, which is so important and so vast that if I wanted to put it in one article I'll write it several hours, and you're probably read it not much less. Would you? I don't think so, because of that I shared one large topic into several smaller ones.

Many writers in their works makes the characters modeled on them. Is it good? Yes, provided that they are not exaggerating. Because if that charcter will be almost a god, will be able to know and can everything, the reader quickly realizes that something is not as should. You need to remember one rule: never treat the reader as an idiot, a real idiot probably will not even know you do that but if it hits a wise reader it will be a problem.

Now it's time for a little curio. Surely you know Hermione Granger but did you know that it is a caricature of J.K. Rowling from school days? In this case, the character is well developed, has advantages and disadvantages and you should remembered about that.

The character should show emotion, not all character but most. Usually the character is an ordinary man, and we all have feelings, even if we try to hide them. There are only two types of characters that don't need to show feelings. Psychopaths and people who are very well hide their emotions. Only psychopaths often they pretend. How to show the reader the excitement? Certainly not describe them eg. Roman was distraught or Arek furiously shouted. The reader does not like to get everything on the tray show that elements such. Roman tried to resist but the tears were stronger first few drops rolled down his cheeks, and immediately afterwards the flood of tears began to flood his face, his breathing became short and intermittent - in this way to show despair, and not just write it as it was sad.

You must create a bond between the reader and the character. Not necessarily major, but significant and present throughout the book. Why? Because if the reader identify with the character will be more eager to read about his fate. Besides, if present, for example. Character was shy - like the reader - but in the whole book was fighting with the shyness and is now a social person the reader immediately think that he too can change. If the reader draw from the book any - but wise - conclusions will be good thinking about it and can recommend it to someone else.

-You can put in the book the character modeled at yourself but didn't make it Mary Sue,
-Character Should show emotion but you shouldn't describe them but show them,
-You Have to create a bond between the reader and the character

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